After several writers and journalists I knew lost their jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic, I started offering freelancers (free) help with their pitches. My friends Emily Smibert and Chloé Braithwaite, writers and editors themselves, graciously offered to help. We made this a semi-regular thing we called “Freelance Fridays” over on Instagram, which ran for over two years.
What became apparent to me as we went on doing this was that the media remains severely skewed in favour of those with privilege. Often, only people with enough social and cultural capital end up in editorial roles, and (unknowingly or knowingly) gatekeep. Getting more freelance voices (especially marginalised ones) out there became a logical next step in decolonising the media.
On this page, I’ve sectioned off a few starting points for freelancers (primarily in journalism, but a few in content and copy). Contained within these sections are resources that I’ve found useful or that came recommended by friends. Think of these as a glossary directing you to the real resources rather than a definitive list of places to go to and things to read (note: these contain no affiliate links).
— Akanksha
P.S. If you’re a writer putting together your own list of resources, take what you need from here and add to it. Most importantly, pass it along.